Also available will be the 2013 SSW Roster poster, featuring every wrestler that competed in SSW over the past year. This is a limited edition on heavy paper stock that is perfect for framing, but there is also a centerfold edition included in the current issue of SSW Magazine as well.
Just in time for "Game of Gold" this Sunday, the next issue of SSW Magazine has arrived hot off the presses and will be available at the show! Congratulations to Ryan Kross and Jeff Luxon for making the cover of the Winter 2014 issue!
Also available will be the 2013 SSW Roster poster, featuring every wrestler that competed in SSW over the past year. This is a limited edition on heavy paper stock that is perfect for framing, but there is also a centerfold edition included in the current issue of SSW Magazine as well.
The event would begin with SSW Commissioner Devin Diamond welcoming the crowd to the show, and also acknowledging his absence from "Ring of Horror" due to nagging medical issues. Devin then informed the crowd that he would be giving up his duties as Ring Announcer, and handing of the reigns to the new SSW "Master of Ceremonies", Mr. Ricolo!
We have finally gotten our FLICKR page up and running, and it has been updated with the photos from our last few events back in the spring. Most recently of course is the complete gallery of photos taken at "A NEW DAY", which has almost 500 photos in it. Here are some of the best shots that were taken at "A New Day". Click on the images below to view them.
April 2019