Rydell and Beckham earned a shot at the titles at "Headlock on Hunger 9" this past March, defeating Pauly Thomaselli and Marshe Rockett in the process. Their alliance with Justice Jones and their manager Devin Diamond has made this group a force to be reckoned with here in SSW, and they have steam-rolled the competition thus far.
They hit a roadblock in March, when Justice Jone's unexpecetedly faced Scott Spade for the SSW title, and was actually pinned and lost the title briefly to Spade. But, senior referee Mirko Joecop reversed the decision, by disqualification, which reverted the title back to Jones. Ruff Crossing is also the only man to currently hold a recorded pinfall victory over Jones, as he defeated him to win the 2012 "Lords of the Ring" tournament.
This puts Ruff and Spade in the unique position of getting "1-up" on the alliance of Devin, Jones, Rydell and Beckham. As it looks like the current SSW Tag Team Champions appear to be the two men who seemed to have figured out how to bring down Devin's clients, we won't find out for sure until the match takes place this Sunday at The Brat Stop in Kenosha!